Dear Colleagues and Students

From its beginning the Mexican Society of Science and Technology of Surfaces and Materials (MSSTSM) or Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnología de Superficies y Materiales (SMCTSM) has been an important forum used by the Mexican scientific community for the discussion of scientific and technological topics related to research in the areas of surface and materials science.

The high academic level of those involved in our conferences motivated us to organize the upcoming VI International Conference on Surfaces Materials and Vacuum (VI ICSMV). On this occasion we have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the sixth edition of our conference which will be held in the city of Merida, in the state of Yucatan, Mexico during the last week of September from the 23th to the 27th. The Yucatan Peninsula is in southeastern Mexico where the Maya culture flourished. The city of Merida is located in the northwestern part of the state of Yucatan and there are numerous Mayan monuments and historic attractions in and around the city, as well as being located close to several of the most important Mayan ceremonial centers.

The scientific program of the Conference is divided into plenary conferences, short courses and fourteen different symposia with oral and poster contributions related to the different areas of materials science and technology. Two of the symposia (Plasma Vacuum and Polymers) are poster session only, whereas for the first time the Tribology symposium has been included as a regular full symposium. Additionally, the symposium of Popularization of Science is a traditional forum for the bringing together of students and the general public with the work undertaken and developed within our Society.