María Bernechea | University of Zaragoza -


María Bernechea 

 ARAID, Instituto de Nanociencia 
 y Materiales de Aragón,  Spain



I obtained my PhD (Cum laude) with European mention in 2006. The research was developed at Universidad de La Rioja, through a FPI (Formación Personal Investigador) fellowship, and focused on the synthesis, characterization and study of the properties of organometallic complexes of Pt, Rh, Ir and Ru.

During this period I also worked for 6 months at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (LCC-CRNS), in Toulouse, thanks to a Marie Curie fellowship, where I studied the potential of the new ruthenium organometallic complexes to act as precursors in ROMP reactions.
After that, I was selected for a research contract to develop a collaborative project between Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) and Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (ICP-CSIC), focusing on the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles and their use as catalysts: in C-C coupling reactions in aqueous medium and as electrocatalysts for fuel cells.
In 2010, I moved to the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) to work on the synthesis and characterization of colloidal nanocrystalline semiconductors for their use in solution-processed optoelectronic devices, such as photodetectors and solar cells. I mainly focused on solar cells and more precisely on the development of new materials composed of earth-abundant non-toxic elements.
In 2016 I was hired as Lecturer in Energy Materials at Cardiff University where I was involved in several modules of BEng and MEng of Medical and Mechanical Engineering, and MSc in Sustainable Energy and Environment. My research on that time focused on nanomaterials for clean energy applications.
Since October 2017 I'm ARAID researcher at the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón-INMA (CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza) where I perform research on the development of nanomaterials for clean energy. Since then, I'm leading several national and international projects.
As a summary, I'm interested in the synthesis and characterization of functional nanomaterials for their use in energy-related applications, such as solar cells, electrochemical energy storage devices, (photo)catalysis, or thermoelectric devices.
Ideally these nanomaterials can be obtained as colloidal solutions, which allows an easy processing, and low-cost fabrication of devices. The development of materials composed of earth-abundant elements further reduces costs, while the use of non-toxic elements reduces health and environmental concerns.
My work has given rise to several communications in conferences (3 as plenary/Keynote), 2 patents, and the publication of more than 30 articles, among them 3 Nature family papers.




University of Vienna, Austria


Davide Bonifazi was born in Guastalla (Italy) in 1975. After obtaining the “Laurea” in “Industrial Chemistry” from the University of Parma (1994-1999) working with Prof. Enrico Dalcanale (organic synthesis and metal-directed self-assembly of cavitands derivatives), he joined the group of Prof. François Diederich as doctoral fellow (organic functionalization of [60]fullerene and porphyrin derivatives) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (2000-2004). During his doctoral studies he has been also visiting scientist at the Weizmann Institute Scientist working with Prof. David Cahen. He was awarded the Silver Medallion of the ETH for his doctoral dissertation (2005). After a one-year postdoctoral fellowship with Prof. Maurizio Prato at University of Trieste (organic functionalization of carbon nanotubes), he joined the Department of Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Trieste as a research associate first and then as a part-time Researcher/Professor (2012-2016). In 2006, he joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Namur (BE) as Junior Professor (2006-2011) and as Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry (2012-2015). Since 2016 he is Chair Professor of Organic Supramolecular Chemistry in the School of Chemistry at Cardiff University (UK). In 2010, he was awarded with the “Ciamician Medal” from the Organic Division of the Italian Chemical Society and in 2011 he gained an ERC starting grant.

His activities are focused on the creation of functional organic architectures in interdisciplinary projects through targeted organic synthesis, self-assembly and self-organization of organic architectures in solution and on surfaces, physical-organic studies, and material- and bio-based design.



Message from the President - IUVSTA

Anouk Galtayries

French Dean at Paris Curie Engineering School/Chimie Pékin
Invited Professor


PhD, Habilitation
French Dean at Paris Curie Engineering School/Chimie Pékin
Invited Professor
@Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT)

  •  Since 1999: Associate Professor in Materials Chemistry

        @ Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (Chimie Paristech)
        @ Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris (CNRS)

Research Group: Physico-Chemistry at Surfaces

  • 2019-2022: President of the International Union of Vacuum Science, Technique andApplications, 35 countries,
  • Member of International Scientific Committee @EVC-15, Geneva, 2018
  • Member of International Scientific Committee @SIMS21, Krakow, 2017
  • Co-Chair of ECASIA’17 in Montpellier, 2017


  • Surface reactivity of model catalysts and passivated metals and alloys: oxidation,corrosion, biointerfaces, h=30, more than 2845 citations (Google Scholar)
  • Chemical surface characterisations under UHV (XPS, ToF-SIMS)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Biointerphases Journal (AVS)
  • Member of the Société Chimique de France (Member of the Board of Chemical Physics Division)
  • Member of the Board of the French Vacuum Society (Past-President)
  • Collaborations: Université de Technologie de Compiègne (F); Sorbonne Université (F);École Normale Supérieure de Paris (F); Université de Paris (F); University of Cádiz (S); Politecnico Torino (I); University of Ferrara (I); Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia,BLG); Romania Academy of Sciences (Bucarest, ROM); Federal University of São Carlo,(BRA)
  • Collaborations: Solvay; CEA; Areva; TOTAL; Saint-Gobain; EDF; Alveole (Paris)


Curriculum Vitae - Armando Encinas

Armando Encinas

Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica



Licenciatura en Física, Universidad de Sonora (88-92). Maestria en ciencias (Física) en el Instituto de Física de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (93-95). Doctorado en física de materiales, Universidad de Paris Sud, Orsay, Francia (95-99). Estancia posdoctoral, Unidad de fisicoquímica y fisica de
materiales de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina en Bélgica (99-02). Investigación: fabricación de nanomateriales magnéticos y metálicos (redes de nanoalambres, películas delgadas y multicapas, compositos y materiales nanoporosos) y el estudio de propiedades magnéticas, de magneto-resistencia, absorción de micro-ondas y resonancia ferromagnética. También se estudian sistemas magnéticos macroscópicos y tecnologías de separación magnética.